Login with Mobile Phone Number

We are excited to announce that you can now use an OTP (One-Time Password) code to log in to our platform using your mobile device. With this new feature, you’ll have a quick and secure login process that guarantees a hassle-free experience.
In addition, we now give users the choice of connecting an unregistered mobile phone to an already-established registered account. Hence, if you need to log in with a different mobile phone number, you may easily link it to your current account and get an OTP code.
Simply choose the “Login with Phone Number” form on the login page and enter your cellphone number to access this service. If you must use a different mobile number, choose “Link Phone to Current Account” and adhere to the on-screen instructions to connect the new number to your current account.
You will have more flexibility and convenience using this option when logging in. Also, it gives your account an extra layer of security by guaranteeing that only people with permission can access it.
We are dedicated to enhancing your user experience, and we anticipate that the addition of this new function will make using our platform even simpler and more comfortable. Please get in touch with us if you have any queries or comments.
For you to access our new features, we must update your information. Please fillout this form – https://forms.gle/9UU32VLnqMV2X7pV6.
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