You’re an inspiration GMD Vicky Tafalla! My heart and mind desire to have my dreams come true in spite of many challenges. I CAN and WILL DO follow the steps of the GMDs like you. God bless you more, GMD!
Miriam Catilo
10 months ago
Thank you GMD Vicky
Emma Dumas
1 year ago
Thank you po GMD Vicky for the inspiration.
Pilar Rabe
1 year ago
Wow!!! Congratulations Ma’am GMD Ma’am Vicky Tafalla 👏👏👏 thank you for sharing your inspiring story here.
You’re an inspiration GMD Vicky Tafalla! My heart and mind desire to have my dreams come true in spite of many challenges. I CAN and WILL DO follow the steps of the GMDs like you. God bless you more, GMD!
Thank you GMD Vicky
Thank you po GMD Vicky for the inspiration.
Wow!!! Congratulations Ma’am GMD Ma’am Vicky Tafalla 👏👏👏 thank you for sharing your inspiring story here.
Congratulations GMD Vicky👏👏👏